Boston University Presents

2020 Year In Review

Boston University
Graphic DesignWeb DesignMotion DesignFront-end DevelopmentBack-end Development
01 / Overview

A Unique Moment

Typically universities create an Annual Report at the end of each year to share with their community and stakeholders. However, 2020 was no normal year and required a different kind of project that could respond to the rapidly changing world.

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Rather than a story of success and financial achievements, this microsite was created as an honest reflection of the moment we were still inside. Our editorial team provided the stories and photography and I was responsible for the overall concept, imagery, design and development.

02 / Imagery

Distortions & Divisions

Images were developed using three concepts:

Pixelation, Anaglyphs & Interlacing.

The world was communicating through Zoom and we were more plugged in then we had ever been before. The political landscape was deeply divided and binary.

[1] Imagery concepts.
03 / Typography

Giving Voice

Due to the wide range of subject matters, the chapters felt much more disparate than a traditional Annual Report, so I wanted to give each article its own title treatment. I then wanted a handful of fonts to use for body text and accents throughout the site so that there was still a sense of cohesion.

Many of these fonts came from one of my type collectives, Atipo Foundry.

[1] Accent fonts used for title treatments. [2] Primary fonts.
04 / Development

A New Toolset

I knew I wanted the site to be more of an experience than something you just scrolled through. There was a movement I was after to help give it the emotional weight the subject matter carried. I learned React, GraphQL and Framer Motion while I was still getting designs finalized and then used GatsbyJS as a static site generator (SSG) with a local implementation of Strapi Headless CMS to manage the content.

[1] Color Palette [2] Custom built Vimeo player [3] Page Transitions [4] Main Menu [5] Article page layout


Best of Show

IHAF Awards 2021
In-House Agency Forum
2020 Year In Review

Gold: Print & Digital

Website & Other Digital
UCDA Awards 2021
University & College Designers Association
2020 Year In Review

Circle of Excellence: Silver

Marketing | Micro-sites
CASE Awards 2021
Council for Advancement & Support of Education
2020 Year In Review

The site received Best of Show the next year at the In-House Agency Forum Awards - an award typically given to big names like CocaCola, Indeed, Hallmark and Hewlett-Packard.

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Ember Gardens

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