Tim Spears

Design & Code

This is a work in progress.

The idea for this site has been bouncing around my head for a while. The idea started as a design where the tools themselves were the artistic vocabulary. I finally started building it about six months ago and it's grown into so much more. I'm sure there are bugs to fix and there are certainly ideas I've yet to get to. But creativity thrives under a deadline, so I'm kicking it out the door and embracing the laboratory spirit I fostered as a theatre artist. So...

Hi, my name is Tim Spears - I'm a Front-end Developer & Web Designer living in Ipswich, MA. And welcome to this space - have a look around.

Skills & Expertise

Front-end development and design are gigantic rooms with many corners but here are the key places I inhabit.
  • Back-end Development
  • Front-end Development
  • Brand Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Motion Design
  • Web Design
Featured Project

2020 Year In Review

View Project


Best of Show

IHAF Awards 2021
In-House Agency Forum

Gold: Print & Digital

Website & Other Digital
UCDA Awards 2021
University & College Designers Association

Circle of Excellence: Silver

Marketing | Micro-sites
CASE Awards 2021
Council for Advancement & Support of Education
Notable Tools & Libraries

Under the Hood

  • Nuxt 3
  • Sanity
  • Vite
  • CSS / SCSS
  • Motion One
  • Lenis
    Smooth Scroll
  • Pinia
  • VueUse
  • Splide
  • FormKit